Come and learn about one of the biggest social-environmental projects in the world: Itaipu. Situated in the Paraná River Basin, in Brazil, a region inhabited by approximately one million people, the area affected by the Itaipu hydroelectric dam is today a wellspring of sustainable projects.

Over 40 million trees have been planted in the region, where there is also the only gas pipeline in Brazil for biogas produced from animal manure.

The growing of organic crops and medicinal plants, fish farming, and the protection of threatened species complete Itaipu’s “Cultivating Good Water” project, which will be presented on October 7th, 2013 at the Americas Society / Council of the Americas in New York

ITAIPU BINACIONAL, besides generating 19% of the energy that Brazil consumes and 85% of Paraguay’s consumption, carries on a large number of activities – all of them in partnerships, in an agreement for shared and cooperative responsibility.

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