Maria Beatriz Costa, Claudio Langone, Minister Afonso Florence e Arnoldo Campos
November 17 the Minister of Agrarian Development, Afonso Florence, has received in his cabinet the Coordinator of the 2014 World Cup Sustainability and Environment – Claudio Langone, the Planeta Organico’s Director – Maria Beatriz Martins Costa, and the Director of Income Generation and Added Value at the Ministry of Agrarian Development – Arnoldo Campos.
In this meeting Maria Beatriz presented a suggestion for the “Organic and Sustainable World Cup” campaing, an intiative that will involve actors of civil society, government and private sector.
The Minister Afonso Florence liked very much the initiative and stressed the importance of promoting the role of family farming in the Green Economy.
Planeta Organic, IPD and IPDES have been promoting this initiative since 2009 and the three companies are part of the board of the Organic and Sustainable World Cup Chamber, led by Arnoldo Campos (MDA).
At the end of the meeting Maria Beatriz Costa gave to Minister Alfonso Florence a brochure about the event Green Rio, which will take place June 19 and 20 – 2012, the week of the Rio+20 Conference. Green Rio Conference will have a panel about mega events.